Table of Contents

Virtual Education - User Manual

1. First Steps

2. Mail Functions

3. Websites and OpenDocuments

4. PDFs

5. Presentations

6. Communication

7. Share and Delete Files

8. Basic Location Management

9. Customize Classroom

9. Customize Classroom

Do you want to personalize or decorate your classroom? This user manual explains how to implement a JPG/PNG as an object into your classroom. The exact placement (rotation/position/scale) of objects transferred into cybaLOUNGE has to be done by trial-and-error.

Refer to the tutorial on HOW TO: Customize your location for more detailed instructions.

(Note: The process of placement of objects also applies to websites, etc.)

9.1. Import of an object

Import an JPG/PNG into cybaLOUNGE simply by drag-and-drop from your device into the tab in your browser. The JPG/PNG will appear as an object in front of your avatar.

9.2. Selection of the imported object

Open the “Location Editor” in the bottom menu bar and click on the “Object Browser” in the pop-up menu on the right side of your browser window. A new pop-up called “Object Browser” will appear on the left side of your browser window. In this menu, scroll down to the last object, which is also the latest object imported into this location, and select it. After a successful selection, the object will be marked.

If your selection was successful, you can now click on the “Object Browser” in the “Location Editor” menu to close the “Object Browser”.

9.3. Placement of the imported object

The placement of objects is performed in three steps: rotation, position, scale. This process involves trial-and-error. Negative numbers can also be entered; just add a ”-” in front of the number.

  1. Rotation: In the “Location Editor” menu, choose “Attributes” → “Rotation” → “Rotate Y” for horizontal rotation. Use degrees to rotate the object.
  2. Position: In the “Location Editor” menu, choose “Attributes” → “Position” → “PosX/Y/Z” for the coordinates.
  3. Scale: In the “Location Editor” menu, choose “Attributes” → “Scale” → “ScaleX/Y/Z” for scaling the object.

Close the “Location Editor” in the bottom menu bar by clicking on the symbol to finalize your customization.