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Avatar Creation Guide

This is an guide for advanced/experienced users!


  1. MakeHuman 1.1.1: download
  2. Blender 2.79b: download
  3. Blender-Plugins:

Export MakeHuman

After the avatar has been created in MakeHuman it has to be exported. Important points:

Conversion to GLTF

Installed in Blender 2.79b with GLTF exporter from Khronos Group and mhx2 importer:

Import in Metaverse/cybaLOUNGE

Now simply drag the exported GLTF file (as a ZIP file named: into the browser window (if the world is loaded) The rest happens automatically. The file in the ZIP must be named avatar.gltf.

**This is not a persistent solution for avatars! If you have created an avatar, sucessfully tested it and you want to put them into the avatar library, then: Drop us a Mail

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